#jython IRC Log (v0.9)


IRC Log for 2018-06-15

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[2:05] <pcn> Yeah, unfortunately getAll needs you to pass a list of all of the keys, but doesn't have an .items() for e.g. to disover those.
[2:06] <pcn> It's unfortunate; the clojure jmx library provides keys and values for each thing, the interop is just easier.
[2:07] <pcn> deepy\ito: yeah, it's a nightmare. i ended up using clojure because extracting all the keys just took 10 lines of code or so.
[5:52] <deepy\ito> pcn: didn't it have .keySet()? https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Map.html
[5:53] <deepy\ito> I don't know how well you know Java, but Map's are Java's dictionary's and TabularDataSupport claims to be a glorified HashMap
[5:53] <deepy\ito> pcn: there's also entrySet() if you want to iterate over a K,V tuple
[5:54] <deepy\ito> Well except Java doesn't have tuples so you get an object with .getKey() and .getValue()
[8:11] * teuchter (choochter@nat/ibm/x-ysounftfksqdfejg) has joined #jython
[8:15] * choochter (choochter@nat/ibm/x-oxadrewxjmuobnzd) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[10:15] * stewori (~stefan@ has joined #jython
[10:15] * stewori (~stefan@ has left #jython
[13:31] * Cecil (~cecil@011-122-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl) has joined #jython
[15:45] * stewori (~stefan@ has joined #jython
[15:52] * stewori (~stefan@ has left #jython
[17:20] * stewori (~stefan@ has joined #jython
[17:21] * stewori (~stefan@ has left #jython
[18:02] * Renari (~Renari@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:03] * Renari (~Renari@ has joined #jython


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