#jython IRC Log (v0.9)


IRC Log for 2011-07-04

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[0:42] * juneau001 (~juneau@ has joined #jython
[0:58] * jcp (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[1:19] * jcp|other (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[1:19] * jcp|other (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[1:19] * jcp|other (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[1:54] * lopex (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) Quit ()
[3:21] * jcp|1 (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[3:21] * jcp (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[3:23] * jcp|other (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[3:26] * jcp|other (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[3:28] * jcp (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[3:28] * jcp|1 (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[3:55] * jcp|1 (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[3:55] * jcp (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[3:56] * jcp|other (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[4:01] * jcp (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539) has joined #jython
[4:16] * juneau001 (~juneau@ Quit (Quit: Take care...)
[10:10] * MacRohard (rm@felix.lechat.ir) has joined #jython
[10:11] <MacRohard> can anyone tell me how to have a servlet init() method written in jython?
[10:11] <MacRohard> it seems like pyservlet has an init, but is there any way to make it run some jython when it gets called?
[10:31] * lopex (531346b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #jython
[12:08] * fwierzbicki (~frank@cpe-098-027-062-013.nc.res.rr.com) has joined #jython
[12:24] * fwierzbicki (~frank@cpe-098-027-062-013.nc.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[12:33] * wainersm (~wainersm@201-92-32-92.dsl.telesp.net.br) has joined #jython
[12:55] * juneau001 (~juneau@ has joined #jython
[13:16] * wainersm (~wainersm@201-92-32-92.dsl.telesp.net.br) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[13:17] * wainersm (~wainersm@201-92-32-92.dsl.telesp.net.br) has joined #jython
[13:46] * stakkars (~tismer@91-66-101-126-dynip.superkabel.de) Quit (Quit: stakkars)
[14:00] * stakkars (~tismer@91-66-101-126-dynip.superkabel.de) has joined #jython
[14:46] * stakkars_ (~tismer@91-66-101-126-dynip.superkabel.de) has joined #jython
[14:48] * stakkars (~tismer@91-66-101-126-dynip.superkabel.de) Quit (*.net *.split)
[14:48] * wainersm (~wainersm@201-92-32-92.dsl.telesp.net.br) Quit (*.net *.split)
[14:48] * stakkars_ is now known as stakkars
[14:49] * lopex (531346b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit ()
[14:55] * wainersm (~wainersm@201-92-32-92.dsl.telesp.net.br) has joined #jython
[15:11] * juneau001_ (~juneau@ has joined #jython
[15:12] * juneau001 (~juneau@ Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[15:12] * juneau001_ is now known as juneau001
[15:28] * lopex (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) has joined #jython
[16:23] * jimbaker (~jbaker@c-71-237-98-166.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #jython
[16:23] * jimbaker (~jbaker@c-71-237-98-166.hsd1.co.comcast.net) Quit (Changing host)
[16:23] * jimbaker (~jbaker@canonical/jimbaker) has joined #jython
[17:08] * robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[17:52] * iq_ (~iq@ip24-252-19-172.om.om.cox.net) has joined #jython
[17:52] * njoyce` (~njoyce@ has joined #jython
[17:52] * njoyce (~njoyce@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:52] * iq (~iq@unaffiliated/iq) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:04] * ohumbel (5390f2dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[18:37] * robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby) has joined #jython
[18:42] * lopexx (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) has joined #jython
[18:43] * lopex (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
[18:53] * lopexx (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) Quit ()
[18:53] * lopex (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) has joined #jython
[19:31] * robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[22:12] * thobe (~Adium@ip65-46-231-74.z231-46-65.customer.algx.net) has joined #jython
[23:19] * wainersm (~wainersm@201-92-32-92.dsl.telesp.net.br) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[23:30] * lopexx (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) has joined #jython
[23:32] * lopex (lopex@84-10-213-252.dynamic.chello.pl) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)


These logs were automatically created by JythonLogBot_ on irc.freenode.net using a slightly modified version of the Java IRC LogBot (github).