#jython IRC Log (v0.9)


IRC Log for 2011-11-13

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[2:43] * Trundle (~andy@python/site-packages/trundle) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[10:11] * stakkars (~tismer@213-65-251-34-no35.business.telia.com) Quit (Quit: schnarch)
[13:18] -Martinp23- [Global Notice] Hi folks. Over the next 30 mins or so I'll be doing some network upgrades. This will be in two stages. First, there will be a huge netsplit, followed by smaller netsplits. About 2700 users will lose connections as a result. I'll send messages directly to users on servers which will be restarted in a moment (zelazny, kornbluth). Thanks for your patience and have a great sunday.
[13:24] * K4sperle (~lutz@0x0badc0.de) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * pjenvey (~pjenvey@underboss.org) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * juneau001 (~juneau@ Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * er1k757 (~erik@tornado.beebe.cc) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * verterok (~ggonzalez@unaffiliated/verterok) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * diminoten (~diminoten@reddit/operator/diminoten) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * offbyone (u910@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-thaylhnmlrnsshbb) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * powerje (~heathen@li110-138.members.linode.com) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:24] * robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * lopex (u4272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nghpipsgbdocltuc) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * lahwran (lahwran@unaffiliated/lahwran) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * njoyce (~njoyce@ Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * Bootvis (~bob@baltar.lan.endoria.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * JStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * MacRohard (rm@felix.lechat.ir) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * [Arfrever] (~Arfrever@apache/committer/Arfrever) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * jimbaker (~jbaker@canonical/jimbaker) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * clajo04_ (~clajo04_@pool-108-41-219-3.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * agronholm (~Demi-god@nblzone-211-37.nblnetworks.fi) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * maxb (~maxb@jabberwock.vm.bytemark.co.uk) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:25] * Bootvis (~bob@baltar.lan.endoria.net) has joined #jython
[13:25] * maxb (~maxb@jabberwock.vm.bytemark.co.uk) has joined #jython
[13:25] * agronholm (~Demi-god@nblzone-211-37.nblnetworks.fi) has joined #jython
[13:25] * clajo04_ (~clajo04_@pool-108-41-219-3.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has joined #jython
[13:25] * jimbaker (~jbaker@canonical/jimbaker) has joined #jython
[13:25] * [Arfrever] (~Arfrever@apache/committer/Arfrever) has joined #jython
[13:27] * MacRohard (rm@felix.lechat.ir) has joined #jython
[13:27] * JStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) has joined #jython
[13:27] * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #jython
[13:27] * er1k757 (~erik@tornado.beebe.cc) has joined #jython
[13:27] * juneau001 (~juneau@ has joined #jython
[13:28] * robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby) has joined #jython
[13:28] * offbyone (u910@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-thaylhnmlrnsshbb) has joined #jython
[13:28] * lopex (u4272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nghpipsgbdocltuc) has joined #jython
[13:28] * verterok (~ggonzalez@unaffiliated/verterok) has joined #jython
[13:28] * powerje (~heathen@li110-138.members.linode.com) has joined #jython
[13:28] * lahwran (lahwran@unaffiliated/lahwran) has joined #jython
[13:28] * njoyce (~njoyce@ has joined #jython
[13:28] * diminoten (~diminoten@reddit/operator/diminoten) has joined #jython
[13:30] * 13WAAR0HX (~lutz@0x0badc0.de) has joined #jython
[13:30] * pjenvey (~pjenvey@underboss.org) has joined #jython
[13:44] * JStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * MacRohard (rm@felix.lechat.ir) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * verterok (~ggonzalez@unaffiliated/verterok) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * diminoten (~diminoten@reddit/operator/diminoten) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * offbyone (u910@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-thaylhnmlrnsshbb) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * powerje (~heathen@li110-138.members.linode.com) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * lopex (u4272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nghpipsgbdocltuc) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * lahwran (lahwran@unaffiliated/lahwran) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * njoyce (~njoyce@ Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * juneau001 (~juneau@ Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * er1k757 (~erik@tornado.beebe.cc) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:44] * 13WAAR0HX is now known as Kasperle
[13:44] * maxb (~maxb@jabberwock.vm.bytemark.co.uk) Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:45] * maxb (~maxb@jabberwock.vm.bytemark.co.uk) has joined #jython
[13:47] * Kasperle is now known as 13WAAR0HX
[13:47] * MacRohard (rm@felix.lechat.ir) has joined #jython
[13:47] * JStoker (jstoker@unaffiliated/jstoker) has joined #jython
[13:47] * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #jython
[13:47] * er1k757 (~erik@tornado.beebe.cc) has joined #jython
[13:47] * juneau001 (~juneau@ has joined #jython
[13:47] * robbyoconnor (~wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby) has joined #jython
[13:47] * offbyone (u910@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-thaylhnmlrnsshbb) has joined #jython
[13:47] * lopex (u4272@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nghpipsgbdocltuc) has joined #jython
[13:47] * verterok (~ggonzalez@unaffiliated/verterok) has joined #jython
[13:47] * powerje (~heathen@li110-138.members.linode.com) has joined #jython
[13:47] * lahwran (lahwran@unaffiliated/lahwran) has joined #jython
[13:47] * njoyce (~njoyce@ has joined #jython
[13:47] * diminoten (~diminoten@reddit/operator/diminoten) has joined #jython
[13:48] * maxb is now known as Guest38799
[14:06] -Martinp23- [Global Notice] Hi - today's updates are now complete. Join us next week for the next game of upgrades roulette (see blog for schedule if you want to ruin the surprise). Have a great day! :)
[14:21] * Trundle (~andy@python/site-packages/trundle) has joined #jython
[16:33] * Guest38799 is now known as maxb
[17:28] * shashank (~shashank@cpe-75-185-124-139.insight.res.rr.com) has joined #jython
[17:48] <- *shashank* hi
[17:56] * shashank (~shashank@cpe-75-185-124-139.insight.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:37] * stakkars (~tismer@213-65-251-34-no35.business.telia.com) has joined #jython
[23:42] * Trundle (~andy@python/site-packages/trundle) Quit (Quit: ???)
[23:45] * stakkars (~tismer@213-65-251-34-no35.business.telia.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:45] * stakkars (~tismer@213-65-251-34-no35.business.telia.com) has joined #jython
[23:48] * Bootvis (~bob@baltar.lan.endoria.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[23:49] * Bootvis (~bob@baltar.lan.endoria.net) has joined #jython


These logs were automatically created by JythonLogBot_ on irc.freenode.net using a slightly modified version of the Java IRC LogBot (github).